Avatar for Joana Simões

Joana Simões

OSGeo Board member

Joana is a software developer, data scientist and strategist in the field of geospatial information and technologies.

She has worked in different environments, ranging from academia to industry, and has always advocated for FOSS in general, and FOSS4G in particular.

Joana uses a myriad of FOSS4G technologies on her daily work and during her free time, and has occasionally contributed to projects such as pygeoapi, GeoNetwork, or QGIS.

She is an OSGeo charter member since 2017 and has joined the board of OSGeo in December 2024.

Joana is currently leading Developer Relations at OGC and running ByteRoad, an R&D company in the field of Spatial Data Infrastructures.

Heroic Acts

  • Representing OSgeo Community
  • pygeoapi maintainer
  • Event organizer

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